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Tackling the global climate crisis with local solutions

IEEP23 03

A Call for Pan-EU City Collaboration in the Fight Against Climate Change

On September 26, 2023, at the IEEP panel event for the EU Cities and Regions week in Brussels, [ui!] stood before the audience to issue a compelling call for pan-EU city collaboration in our collective battle against climate change. Our pivotal message highlighted the importance of cities working together to drive climate action across the European Union.

✅ 1. Collaborative Efforts to Tackle the Climate Crisis: In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for cities across the EU to come together in a united front to harness data-driven applications and tackle climate change. The call for collaboration includes:

  • Data Sharing and Partnerships: City authorities are joining hands with private and public organizations to share data and insights. For instance, the City of Parramatta in Australia collaborated with [ui!] to develop an integrated IoT data system for brownfield development, providing a baseline for measuring climate and environmental impacts, real-time data for construction management, and open data dashboards for local engagement.
  • Joint Research and Development: City partnerships are fostering collaborative research and development initiatives aimed at addressing climate-related issues. EU programs like Horizon EU facilitate collaborative research projects between cities, private companies, and public organizations to drive innovation in clean energy, sustainable transportation, and more.
  • Co-creation and Pilots: Cities are co-creating and piloting innovative projects with private companies to find solutions that work. For example, the city of Bad Hersfeld partnered with Deutsche Bank and [ui!] to develop an infrastructure-backed intelligence-as-a-service smart street lighting funding model, improving both energy efficiency and security.

✅ 2Ensuring Pan-EU City Collaboration with Safeguards: While uniting cities for collective climate action is crucial, we emphasized the need for robust safeguards and measures to ensure transparency, accountability, and success. Key considerations include:

  • Clear Governance Framework: A transparent governance framework is crucial for pan-EU city collaborations, defining roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes, ensuring representation from diverse perspectives.
  • Data Ethics and Privacy: Stringent data governance policies and regulations protect individual privacy and ensure ethical data use. Agreements and protocols govern data sharing, access, and usage, with a focus on data anonymization and security.
  • Transparent Decision-Making Processes: Transparent city collaborations allow for public input and scrutiny, and clear guidelines are established to avoid conflicts of interest, ensuring that decisions are made in the interest of the common good.
  • Data Sovereignty: City authorities must maintain data sovereignty, ensuring they have control and ownership of their data.

✅ 3Making EU Cities 'Smart' in Tackling Climate Challenges: To address the climate challenge, European cities can leverage data for various purposes:

  • Integrated Transportation Systems: European cities can optimize transportation networks, enhance traffic flow, and promote sustainable modes of transportation, leading to reduced emissions and congestion.
  • Energy Management and Efficiency: Smart grids and energy management systems enable European cities to optimize energy distribution, monitor consumption patterns, and reduce carbon emissions, contributing to energy efficiency.
  • Intelligent Waste Management: Implementing smart waste management systems enables cities to optimize waste collection routes, monitor bin fill levels, and deploy resources more effectively, reducing environmental impact.
  • Citizen Engagement and Empowerment: European cities can empower citizens by providing access to real-time data and digital platforms, fostering sustainability awareness, and encouraging behaviour change toward sustainable lifestyles.

In conclusion, we extend a call for pan-EU city collaboration in the fight against climate change. By working together, sharing data, and implementing innovative solutions, cities across Europe can create sustainable, inclusive communities that are well-prepared to address the climate crisis effectively. Collaboration is the key to a more sustainable future for all of us.

To see our full presentation visit To find out more about opportunities for pan Eu collaborations contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IEEP 23 05