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Brief information

  • Decision support for municipal employees
  • Implementing digitalisation
  • Breaking down data silos
  • Be prepared for future tasks

Decide on the basis of a situation report for your municipality: [ui!] DATALAB

Municipal situation picture using AI - as a decision-making aid

In addition to the provision of urban data prepared using [ui!] UrbanPulse for a public COCKPIT, further, more detailed information can be made available to decision-makers in a [ui!] DATALAB for the creation of a real-time-based, municipal situation picture to improve decision-making.

The visualisation tool is scalable and allows users to create their own queries and analyses.

Different types of visualisation such as

  • Line charts
  • Bar charts
  • Gauge charts
  • Heatmaps
  • 2D maps
  • 3D maps
  • Data tables
  • and more...

Further filter options are:

  • Date and time filter
  • slider
  • selection filter
  • and more...


    We offer automated, time-series-based forecasting services based on artificial intelligence for a wide range of data sources. Forecast horizons are up to one week into the future. Forecasts complement historical data in a way that allows you to move from reacting to acting for different use cases.

    Recommendations for action

    Based on [ui!]'s data analyses, you receive recommendations for action in natural language or with graphical components.

    [ui!] DATALAB Catalogue

    With the [ui!] DATALAB catalogue, you can select and configure the right [ui!] DATALAB modules for your municipality directly via your browser. We already offer a large selection for the areas of moving traffic, stationary traffic, environment and energy.

    Browse through the catalogue, select the function blocks that are right for you via the "Add to App" function block and download the configuration file.
    Another important building block for the digitalisation of your municipality. See for yourself:

    Would you like to find out more about our solutions?

    We are also available for a demonstration at our branches in Berlin, Darmstadt, Munich, Walldorf or Chemnitz or will be happy to visit you on request.