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Gadi Lenz - Podcast @Momenta

Pod 138 Gadi Lenz 

Our Chief Scientist reports in a podcast about his work in the field of Smart City over the last 20 years.

Absolutely worth listening to!

Two decades building smarter and safer spaces

In this week’s podcast, Ken Forster interviews Dr. Gadi Lenz, Chief Scientist at  [ui!] Urban Software Institute.

Dr. Lenz has been at the forefront of smart city and mobility innovation for almost two decades. After receiving his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from MIT, he worked at Bell Labs conducting research in optics. He later co-founded Kodeos Communications, a startup focused on high-speed optical communications, which he sold to Finisar. In 2005 he was part of the 4D Security Systems founding team, a Homeland Security systems integration company, where he led major projects including advanced physical security for the major NY and NJ airports. He later served as CTO and Chief Scientist at AGT International where he was also the technical lead of major projects including Border Security, critical asset security, Safe City, and Smart City. He went on to become CTO (Intelligent Power Platform) of IoTecha, a startup providing hardware and software for enabling vehicle-grid integration. He has published close to 100 scientific peer-reviewed papers as well as numerous articles in trade journals and holds 17 granted patents.

Some of the discussion points during this interview were:

  • What led you to AGT International, and what were some of your key wins here?
  • To what degree do you see Smart Cities and Smart Mobility being closely aligned or merging as trends?
  • What are some of the key projects that Urban Software Institute is leading?
  • Given your experience with Smart Cities, where do you see it going in the next decade?
  • How do you know when a city is truly ready for digital?



Source and more details with the conversation written down as a transcript: